Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reflecting Pool 1

Reflecting Pool 1
at First Church of Christ, Scientist
(and definitely not Scientology) 
Boston, MA


  1. Beautiful photo! But it is the First Church of Christ, Scientist, which has nothing to do with Scientology. Could you please fix the label? Thanks!

  2. Mike,

    I am the Social Media Manager at the Christian Science Church in Boston, and recently came across your photo of our plaza and church on google (great shot!). The reason it came to my attention is because there's a documentary about Scientology that aired this week called Going Clear, and it mentions that there's a church of Scientology in Back Bay, Boston. When you google "church of Scientology Boston" unfortunately many of the pictures at the top are incorrectly labeled as the Church of Christian Science. Since Christian Science and Scientology are not the same, we would love to clear up this confusion.

    That's why I'm reaching out to you - your photo is incorrectly tagged as "Church of Scientology". Would you kindly help us solve the matter by tagging it correctly as either the Christian Science Church or The First Church of Christ, Scientist?

    Many thanks for your help.

    Jasmine Holzworth

    1. Sorry it’s a decade late, but I (mostly) fixed it.



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