Friday, September 4, 2009

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

Ears, don't fail me now.

That was the general sentiment in my study as I switched out monitors on my computer. I had heard a faint and unusual buzz as I turned the old monitor off and thus suspected the monitor had deserted me, not the computer. As I turned the new monitor, I was greeted by a familiar clicking sound, one my ears had also noticed as absent from the other. I hopefully pressed the power button on the CPU, held my breath, and stared at the orange light on the monitor . . . would it turn green? Was this simply a monitor issue? How would my new monitor display my pictures? How long will it take to adjust to this tiny, 14 inch monitor as compared to my monstrously large 18 inch? All these questions rushed through my mind in anticipation of that tiny light changing color . . .

Now I am sitting at my desk, basking in a faint green glow, thankful to be able to bore you this morning with yet another random thought. I checked the pictures and the colors seem okay. The size thing will be tough to adjust to, but when a household computer supply depends on the charity of others, one must be grateful to have any monitor at all.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled randominity . . .

Andrew was just given the choice to stay home or go to daycare. Mollie had to ask a few different ways, but he finally decided to stay with Mommy instead of going to see Lu Lu.

I am almost late for my morning visit to the hospital to feed the lioness, so I must quickly draw this to a conclusion . . . . but how?

I guess I will leave you with a quote from one of my favorite people in the entire world. This man was recently released from the hospital after a bit of a scare. I expect that his family learned just how many people they have affected for the best. (Yes, the best. There is very little this family has done that is ‘for the better,’ they are nothing but the best!) They were receiving so many phone calls, a reported hundreds a day, that a friend volunteered to take their cell phone and play secretary.

I know that both Mollie and I owe much of our love for humanity to this family and I often wish we could be back in St. Louis, working alongside them. I believe Gerry once summed up all that is good in him with this:

“Because we have hope, we can share hope.”

- Gerry Chappeau

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