Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Andrew

That’s right, I have two days in a row to celebrate the birth of a family member. And while Megan may bemoan the fact that Andrew was not born on her birthday (and the fact that Annaliese was not born on the 23rd, but together with Andrew brackets her birthday) I am glad that I get an entire day to just celebrate Andrew.

It is more difficult to write about Andrew’s major life loves and accomplishments. At the tender age of two, his greatest accomplishments are beginning to conjugate sentences and occasionally going tinkle in the potty. I can, however, share in some of my greatest joys I have witnessed in Andrew’s life.

Like this family activity; each family member practically yelling as we drive in the car:

(Andrew) “I love . . . Mommy!”
(Mommy) “I love Andrew!”
(Andrew) “I love . . . . . . Daddy!!!”
(Daddy) “I love Andrew!
(Andrew) “I love Enna!”
(Mommy for Anna) “Anna loves Andrew!”
(Andrew) “I love Mommy!”
(Mommy) “I love Anna!”
(Daddy for Anna) “I love Daddy!”
(Daddy for himself) “I love Mommy!”
Ad infinitum

While many major concepts are still well above his head, Andrew does have some idea that this thing we call a ‘birthday’ is somehow special. He got a taste of it at my parents over the weekend, opening presents and eating Hostess cupcake ‘cake.’ Yesterday, after saying something about his birthday, I asked him how old he was. He replied, “Two-morrow,” amply illustrating the fact that he gets it, but he really doesn’t get it.

Well, Andrew, this blog is for you. And while you may not quite understand it now, if Mommy happens to takes the time to read it to you, I have the comfort that things posted to the internet seem to stick around in cyberspace for all of eternity (try Googling "Pedro the Rubberband Ball"). That and the fact that I have a Word document back-up of my writings (and a back-up file of that) gives me hope that you will someday read and understand this. So I can leave this message to the future you: I love you very much. You are my favorite little boy! It has been two wonderful and amazing years watching you grow up. Take care of your little sister and enjoy watching her grow. I hope you have a wonderful birthday (both today – and in whatever year you happen to read this!)

- Daddy



    p.s. i miss you

  2. Happy Birthday Drew! I love you. I hope it doesn't rain out your birthday gathering at the park this afternoon.--love Mommy


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