Thursday, September 3, 2009

Stupid Computers!

Until last year, I had lived a fairly secluded and protected life, away from the troubles that haunt most computer owners.  While I had fretted over computers that booted slow (one of my old ones took about 10 minutes) or occasionally flashed their gang affiliation (the blue screen of death), I had never witnessed a catastrophic failure.

One year later, I find myself well versed in computer misfortunes.  It all began when I became the computer teacher at St. Patrick Catholic School.  My troubles began on my first day with a computer that, no matter what I tried, would not produce sound.  That was my only major problem until late in the school year.  One day, a student's computer would not turn on.  They pushed the button a few times, then I gave it a go . . . pbbbtt . . . .it popped, sparked and started smoking.  Now, I often tell people that I really don't know enough about computers to troubleshoot all the problems our school has, but I do know one thing for sure; computers should not smoke!!!  (It's bad for their lungs?)  A few weeks later, I was typing on another computer when it suddenly popped and stopped.  There was no fancy light show, no smoke and mirrors like the other, it just quit.

I have always done my best not to bring my work home and my computer troubles were, for the longest time, kind enough to oblige . . . until yesterday.  I went into my study to Google a phone number and found my computer would not awake from sleep mode.  I hit all the buttons that usually prod it back to life, then raked my hand across the keyboard, just incase some other button was volunteering to help.  None were.  I turned the computer and the monitor off and on in different combinations, but nothing helped . . . I was lost and computerless!

It is my hope that only the monitor has abandoned me, but I have not yet had time to experiment with another.  I hope to find the time today, but with our frequent trips to the hospital, it may have to wait until Friday.

What does this mean to you, Mr. Averagereaderguy or Ms. Aboveaveragereadergal?  It means you will have to survive without your daily fix of MikArt!  That's right, all my photographs are on that computer.  (Fear not, they are actually on an external hard drive and most of them are backed up to CD.)  But I feel so awful not being able to provide you with the one reason you chose to wake up this morning!  So I will do my best.  Below is a substitute work I created just for you.  I hope you enjoy it!

It is titled - Self Portrait: Lying on My Side


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