Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sleepy Head

Sleep is a luxury I am no longer afforded. While Annaliese was up fairly often the first few weeks of her life, the last two days have been the pits! Let’s take last night as an example: Annaliese decided that instead of eating a large helping all at once, then sleeping for a few hours, she wanted to slowly eat a massive amount over a four hour period. It was crazy! She would take a few sips, then nod off to sleep. Fifteen seconds after we would lay her in her crib, she would spit out her binky and proceed with the screaming.

Throughout this charade, she downed approximately 3-5 ounces, or at least my extremely tired brain seems to calculate it that way. Robbed of most my sleep, I was awaken this morning by Andrew walking around our upstairs bedroom. Mollie had moved to the living room couch, as we were finally able to get Anna to sleep in her swing. Somehow (as if it were hard to believe) some of the gates had been left open last night and Andrew was able to get out of his room and up the stairs to waken me.

Now I have spent the last 2+ hours watching, playing with and feeding ‘The Boy,’ while Mollie and Annaliese continue their much deserved snooze in the living room. I tried to sleep in my orange chair while Andrew played a Toddler computer game, but to no avail. No sooner than I had settled down, I heard an ‘Uh-oh.’ Andrew had hit the Windows Menu key, exiting his program and ruining my anticipated nap.

While Andrew ate his “cereal Oohs,” I tried to round up all the loose receipts from around the house. I have previously shared how we have been successfully budgeting (Bills); apparently we never budgeted for birthday parties. Fortunately, and this seems quite odd, Mollie lost our checkbook some months back. Actually, we think she recycled it. Our temporary solution, we just began a new register with a zero balance, leaving untold ‘thousands’ unrecorded in our checking account. (We also canceled all the lost checks, in case you were worried.) It has been a very nice safety net when we fell a little short, when we really needed a little extra in the entertainment budget or when we had to drop a C-note on a little boy’s birthday party.

Well, now I’m off to spend a little more of our lost treasure. Annaliese is out of nursery water and almost out of formula. Plus, it comes to mind that I will have a better chance of taking a nap today if I drop Andrew off at daycare. But I need to hurry. In theory, I need to be back before Anna wakes up. “In theory, Communism works . . . in theory.”


  1. Editor's Note: Mollie, who just awoke, told me that Andrew woke up crying in the late-middle of the night and that it was she who moved Andrew upstairs to our room. Apparently, he had spent part of the night sleeping beside me and had not found his way upstairs as I previously related.

  2. Andrew making it upstairs by himself does read nicer than 'Mom moved Andrew because he was crying.' Don't know why he was crying. This morning he said it was because he fell out of bed. I think he was just cold. Sorry he intruded on your well deserved sleep. You can sleep all afternoon.

  3. You are my nightime hero!


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