Sunday, September 27, 2009

Words, Words, Words

Two days ago, we took Andrew to the doctor for his two year exam. While I’ve already recounted his amazing escape from the nurses without any puncture wounds (read yesterdays blog), there was one other thing about the visit that struck me as strange.

Each time we have an x-‘time of life’ check up, the doctor gives us a packet of information pertaining to that age. Each time, my favorite paper in the packet is the one listing achievements a child should have reached, or should soon reach by that age. It often provides me with a sense of pride (My child already does that.), or a course of action, (Ooh, so that’s what I should be teaching Andrew). As I read the list on Friday, it gave me pause, so much so that I had to ask the doctor if it was right.

The guide said that by age two, a child should know twenty words. In response to my questions, the doctor opened a cupboard door and scanned a list. He told us that by age three, a child should know about 250 words.

Back in the car, I had to start counting. On the back of the guide, I began writing down all the words Andrew used. Without much strain, I quickly passed the 100 mark. With Mollie’s help, we surpassed 150. As the list got longer, it became difficult to check if a word was already listed, so I (as is my wont in life) created an Excel document to record, sort, count and double check the words. Over the last two days, I have been paying more attention to what Andrew says and the words he uses. If either Mollie or I heard something we think we missed, we add it to the list. So far, the list tops out at 234 words!

Once again, I have to take a fatherly step back, to be careful not to get my head too full of grand ideas. I have to remember that Andrew more likely just developing faster and less likely some sort of super-genius that my anticipatory mind wants to make him. But still, this is another wonderful surprise he has provided us. I am amazed at the vast increase in words since we last kept track of his ‘first words.’ As of May eleventh of this year, we had recorded thirty-some words and animal sounds that he knew. In just over four months, he has added about 200 new words to his vocabulary!

Being a father is fun!

Being a nerdy father who makes lists like this is even more fun!

1 comment:

They say that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In the blogging world, that is not true. The greatest validation you can give a blogger's mindless ramblings is to leave a comment. Your comment not only shouts to the world that you bothered to show up, but more importantly that what you read exuded some response! There can be no greater compliment!