Friday, August 14, 2009

Aah, the Zoo

St. Louis is home to one of the greatest and best zoos I have ever been to. I went to the zoo in San Diego, often billed as the best . . . I can agree, for the animals. The animal enclosures were so large, I remember spending most of our day walking from one to another. Added to that, the immense size made it easy for the animals to find a quiet place to hunker down, out of sight of all those rowdy people. Long walks + Few visible animals = Not my favorite.

The zoo in St. Louis, however, has animals you can actually see. Yes, the enclosures are large enough to not be depressing (like the zoo in Springfield, IL - man that place is a downer), but they are designed in a way that the people can see the animals. For example, you can view the tigers from three sides of the enclosure, including one view from above.

Speaking of the zoo, it's getting late. Andrew and I must be going. To paraphrase what is likely my favorite Blues Brothers line, 'It's 106 miles to St. Louis, we have an empty tank of gas, a full pack of diapers, it's light and we're wearing sunscreen. Hit it!'

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