Monday, August 17, 2009

Alice Was Wrong

While the buzz from winning at the State Fair is still going strong, the greatest buzz of a teacher's life is coming to an end. Despite the fact that summer does not end until late September, my summer is officially over. And is it just my imagination or is school starting extremely early this year. Perhaps I am wrong in remembering that this dreaded day used to hold off until after Labor Day. Perhaps this is some Communist plot to "sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids." (15 bonus points if you can name the movie!) Whatever it is, I don't like it.

There is a dull, faded silver lining, though. I am only working two days a week for the first half of this year. The other three days, I will be home watching our soon to be new baby girl (surprisingly and perhaps ironically, Labor Day comes up again). Also, on this teacher in-service day, there is the promise of donuts!

As great as those two things are, they are not enough to untaint this day. I will have to make a call to Mr. Cooper, asking him to rewrite some of his lyrics. "School's out for 2/3 of Summer."


  1. It's either When Harry Met Sally or Dr. Strangelove. Can't remember.

  2. That movie over there . . . something about 'how I learned to love the bomb' . . . Dr. Strangelove.

  3. We never started school after Labor Day. I remember our parents talking about it, but we always started in August.

  4. Frank may be right, thanks for ruining my delusions . . . But Mollie is right and Randy is half right . . . "Dr. Strangelove: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" is the correct movie.


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