Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Big Day

Tomorrow is a big day for me. Tomorrow, I will enter two of my photos into my first real photography contest, the Illinois State Fair. I've had my pictures in online 'contests' before, but never in anything that really matters. "Really Matters" I say that as if my pictures and whatever happens to them is really important. Not likely!

But some things are truly important!!! Like the fact that I recently realized that I can cut up potato, put a little butter and spices on them, and throw them in the oven to add a side dish to our meals. Now that's really important!

As you might be able to tell, I 'm still not quite sure for what purpose I'm going to use my pulpit to the world. Some days, I may rave about the most recent 'amazing' thing my kid did (today, he pooped in the potty . . . . stuff like that). Other days, I may rant about the . . . . okay, I'm getting bored. Did you realize there's a tv show called "The police women of Broward (can't spell) County." I just saw a commercial . . . looks terrible! Just a heads up.

What I was trying to get at was, I will try to get the two photos I am entering in the Illinois State Fair posted up here in the near future for your viewing pleasure. Keep a sharp eye out!


  1. My friend Joyce created a blog like this and uses it to work her business. Your photos are unique and very good. Perhaps you should narrow the focus of this blog to those. She gets (somehow) a customer e-mail base and updates them occasionally.
    Post all your photo book pics and woods for sale with maybe framed options. Maybe find out how you can put the pic behind frame options virtually to see how they look. Is that a program or just some computer know-how?
    Like your graphics (look) of this page. Don't knock yourself on this page even in jest unless you want it to be more of a friend up-date blog. Feature pics like Burly this month, fall pics in Oct. etc.


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