Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How is it Possible?

Brett Favre is of the best, if not the best, quarterbacks of all time. He has surpassed milestone after record, virtually eliminating Dan Marino from the record books. He has essentially removed Marino from the 'Greatest Ever' conversation by eclipsing those records AND winning multiple (a very late edit - please replace 'multiple' with 'one' - Thanks Scott) Super Bowls.

Then how is it that this stoic image of Green Bay lore has found so much ire from his former (and yes, I do mean former) fans?

To paraphrase Brett from only two or three weeks ago, 'I'm done for good this time.' Perhaps it was the multiple millions of dollars thrown his way, but now he has reneged on that, and worse. Favre has joined Green Bay's hated rival, the Minnesota Vikings. In doing so, Favre managed to insult all of Wisconsin with this gem; "If you're a true Packer fan, you'd understand."

Understand? I'm sure they understand. They can clearly see that Favre is nothing to himself if he is not in the limelight. He doesn't care for the fans he once had. He doesn't care for a legacy that could last forever, untarnished, while he fades quietly into retirement. I can understand loving a game and taking every opportunity to play while one is able, but to repeatedly retire, stay retired and unretire convinces me that he just needs to be seen, to be the center of attention.

I for one am semi-glad to see him back. Yes, my beloved Bears will have to face him again, but that's just one more opportunity for them to grind his self-loving frame into the dirt. (Okay, two opportunities, if his aged body survives until the second meeting.)

As for Green Bay and the insults he poured out upon their fans, I hope they 'forget' to retire his number.

1 comment:

  1. Not to nitpick, but I'm pretty sure Favre only one won Super Bowl. I know he lost one to Denver during our freshman year at Coe... although I had to miss that game for a musical practice. I wonder how long Marino would have played if his body allowed?


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