Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Good Old Days

How many of you have been around long enough to think of some time in your life as "The Good Old Days?" I may not exactly think about times past in that way, except perhaps in jest, but there are so many memories that are good, and now becoming old! Which memory, you ask, was I specifically struck by this morning? Well, I'll tell you . . . . later.

Gravity is not my friend! You might say that gravity and coexist under a very tense truce. He sits besides me all day long, seeking the perfect opportunity to strike. Often, he toys with my mind with a gentle tug upon some object in my hand. Other times his assault is strong, attacking my very being! It's been a long time since gravity has spitefully pulled me down a flight of stairs, but he did try the other day! The problem with an arch-enemy like gravity is that the conflict is so very one sided; there is very little I can do to threaten, harass or even insult gravity. All I do is threatened by his very existence. I am left at his mercy.

(My sister, on the other hand, has taken the offensive - she builds launch vehicles for Space X. Yet still, all she does in defiance is governed by gravity.

Remember the good old days, way back in college, when you could stay up until the early hours of the morning, then wade through your next day, mostly unaffected? I went to bed at 5:00 this morning. I was woken up at 8:00. Then asked my brain to write.

Man am I tired!

1 comment:

  1. ever think that perhaps gravity is trying to save you from floating away to the inhabitable vaccuum of space?


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